Location: Edmonton

Q: We’re having a baby. I really feel the baby is going to be our greatest teacher. John: Having a baby will strengthen whatever orientation you presently have. Q: Will it? It won’t be the opposite? John: If you are giving heed to the specialness of what’s there,…
Several people speak with John in the Jewel Cafe: Q1: Things are better with my daughter. John: It’s better between you and your self. Q1: What do you mean by “better between me and my self”? John: It’s not really between you and your…

Unusual experiences that seem to come out of nowhere prompt the woman in this dialogue to seek John’s perspective. What’s happening and how can she live what she has newly awakened to in the busy-ness of her everyday life?








Q: I have a question about vulnerability and the fear of being hurt. I want to surrender completely to vulnerability, but every time I try there come some images and feelings that are not from this life. They are really old – very strong…


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