Location: Denmark




This person’s experience of being in a fog and unable to move is actually to do with entering a deeper level, within, and John explains what needs to happen.

“Oneness becomes physical.” John shares the key to developing a body of what we really are, a body of truth.

Q: I can’t really ask a question or something, it is just a fear. There is so much fear inside me, of being alone and I can’t really… John: When you fear being alone, that makes you lonely. When within, you let yourself completely relax into…



JdR Audio 256

“To really evolve as awareness, be just like your own being in a self like yours and on a planet like this one.”


Q: John, I find I can get really quite angry in social interactions where I feel unfairly treated. It happened recently that I wanted to speak with someone who refused because I was getting angrier. There’s a point at which I close off. I’m wondering…

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