Location: Byron Bay

JdR Audio 227

“When you are in your heart and believing what you know in your heart, you can’t relate to fear. When you are in your heart, you love.”



JdR Audio 226

“If  you use what you first are to heal your body, you’re using it for result. You’re creating a reward in your experience, a reward for you being what you first are. That separates you from what you first are.”


Q: I’ve often found in our relationship that the real behaviour coming from my self is coming from the avoidance of the intensity of the fire of the relationship. John: That fire will only burn what’s perishable. Stay in it and at all costs to…
Q: I’m sitting in the chair today with my partner, and I can see so many things that I do that are protecting my heart when it comes to loving him. I would really love to know how to love a man and be…

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