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Q: My question is about the stress and tension I find myself in in daily life, yet my calling is to softness. When I hear you speak, part of me is so happy just listening to your words. That part is more connected to the softness. How can I
Q: What is the difference between feeling and emotion? There's thinking and feeling and willing … why emotion? John: Emotion is more complex than feeling. Feeling is direct and simple. Emotion is combined with ideas. There’s a thought formation that makes emotion what it is. Q: So they are
Q: How can I melt my frozen heart? John: Like that you have a heart, even though it’s frozen. That melts it a little bit. As your heart melts a little bit, you’ll know more. As soon as you know more in your heart, surrender to what you’re knowing.
Q: I’ve received so much from being in the presence of masters, and life has showered me with grace. There have been weeks of total silence in my mind, but the experience stopped for some reason and I long to have it again. At the same time, I don’t
Q:  My question is how to get to my next level of awareness. I've suffered a lot of pain this year and had an emergency operation. I didn't see how dangerous the situation was. I stayed in my pain and arrived at the hospital almost at the last moment.
Q: When I saw you a few days ago with some other people, I saw something embodied that struck me. I can clearly see essential qualities and beings in people. It's an unearthly quality, as if it would need the whole world to sustain it. I had the impression
Q: My question is about speech because I feel it carries a lot of responsibility. I find what you say both clear and impeccable – a source of inspiration. Words can carry so much wisdom and love but they can also hurt. I sometimes notice that energy leaks through
Q: Does our genetic conditioning strongly influence our life and behaviour? Can you say more about it? John: Where you’re not in your heart, absolutely. Where you are unconditionally in your heart, at any personal expense, no. Q: Is openness of heart easier or harder depending on what genetics