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Seen Through and Through

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When: April 6, 2016
Morning Meeting

This translation originally appeared in Nyt Aspekt & Guiden Magazine April 2016. View the original Danish article here.

A meeting between a Danish woman and John de Ruiter led to her moving to Canada to join the community around him.

The first time I met John de Ruiter was in 2008. It was at a seminar in Copenhagen. A woman was asking John questions and he said nothing at all. It was obvious that they communicated beyond words. Half of the assembly seemed, however, very frustrated. I, on the other hand, entered a very, very deep and nurturing  black stillness.

At the time I had been educated as a psychotherapist from ID Academy (Ole Vadum Dahl) and had studied with Faisal Muqqudam (Diamond Logos) and Madhurima (Intelligent Heart), but the more was calling, despite my life being full, rich and love-filled. As such, nothing was lacking. Nevertheless I had a growing urge to free everything, an urge to give my inner calling all of my attention. And here was John. It was as if a way of being in life was over.

I had been reading, studying and meditating for many years and loved diving into deep teachings, but I hadn’t really arrived at the most essential: I didn’t fully live what I knew. I hadn’t stepped in all the way. That is exactly what John is. He is fully in. He is that. He is not a teaching. It was so inspiring. I wanted a completely honest relationship to myself and to life, and suddenly I dared to let go of the known.

John’s stillness in the meeting in 2008 was so honest. He was not there to entertain or give a spiritual lecture, but to give what he is and what he comes from. He is one with what he knows – honest to the core. He didn’t need anything, had no agenda. It touched me incredibly.

Like coming Home

In 2010 I had my first dialogue with John and for the first time ever I felt seen, through and through. I had just turned 50.

Our connection opened the door to a much bigger ‘me,’ to a higher consciousness, and to deeper and more subtle aspects of what I really am. I had known it always, had experiences along the way, had resonances of it, but now it was like coming home. I was clear, I understood. And there is no way back when we have seen into the more. We can no longer live with less. Suddenly letting go had a much smaller cost than holding on.

During 2011 I dismantled my life in Denmark practically. I stepped out of my outer commitments and moved to Edmonton, Canada. Originally it was my plan to visit for three months, but I soon knew that I was going to stay. It was as if my life was already staged here.

It is usual for many to feel seen to the core in the meetings with John. He is like the finest heart surgeon, who gently and with great precision takes you right into what you know and where you know it is true to be.

It is so fine and subtle that it can easily be overlooked. Here, the connection to the openness and innocence we naturally were as children is re-established. That is the stepping-stone for entering subtler levels of existence that have reach far beyond what I have words to describe.



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